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Adventure Time by Ryan North
Writer: Ryan North
Illustrated by: Shelli Paroline and Braden Lamb
Published by KaBOOM!
This comic is somewhat like a fevered dream and a child’s adventure fun time, and all around a lot of fun for kids and adults. I’m sure many adults have graduated to Rick and Morty, but this is one of those comics to help 8+ kids learn to read and learn to love sequential art. The comic books stand on their own, and do not necessarily jive with the TV series, and that is what makes them so much fun, you get to explore things that for cost or time just don’t end up on the TV series, so purists will say this entire comic book series is probably not “cannon”.
The comic book in many regards is just a lot of good clean fun for kids and parents, with a lot of subtle things going on that parents will tag onto, but the kids won’t. Hidden messages and cool puzzles that kids will often overlook, but parent(s) will tag right on to such as word puzzles. There are also characters who only show up in the comic book, and have not been developed for TV making the comics even more special.
The whole premise of the comic book is the fun adventures that Jake and Finn go on, with an assorted cast of other characters like Adventure Tim, Mice King, Princess Chewypaste, Princess Bubblegum and others. They travel through the land of Ooo and have fun times with super villains and evil doers in fine campy tradition.
Overall this comic book series is a lot of fun, and while we really only focused on one comic book trade paperback, the entire TV show is something we watch. The extension of the comic book just helps bring the characters to life and gives the kids something to do in the car when the batteries run out.
Rating this five of five stars, good for early readers who love adventure time on TV. Be ready to answer questions if the kids are noticing that the comics are not exactly the same as the TV show. Good lettering, easy to read, great colors and engaging story lines, worth getting a copy to read for yourself and your family. You can watch the video review below.
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